
美國時間:2008‧05‧21 (三) IN-N-OUT

上禮拜四中午, 月子中心廚師─梁姐有事請假無法煮午餐, 所以買了IN-N-OUT的漢堡給我們吃, 而且還是買double-double的給我們吃, 當時大陸媽媽群起抗議罷吃, 拉著我們幾個台灣媽媽去社區對面吃中式午餐, 我眼巴巴的看著IN-N-OUT的漢堡, 心裡真的好想吃
吃看唷!! 因為這裡的台灣媽媽們說, IN-N-OUT的漢堡比麥當當的還要好吃, 從此害我每天都朝思暮想!!

星期三月子中心沒有安排逛街, 阿珠媽喊無聊沒事幹, 要我陪她去附近逛逛, 所以我跟她交換條件, 我陪她去逛逛, 她陪我去買IN-N-OUT。我們住的社區大門入口斜對面就有一家IN-N-OUT, 這幾天剛好天氣很涼爽, 所以慢慢散步過去還蠻舒服的, 走了大約10多分鐘, IN-N-OUT到囉!!

~ IN-N-OUT 很簡單的菜單, 但其實還有一份隱藏版菜單 ~

在出門之前, 我先上網做了功課, 最後我點了一個Cheeseburger + 一個Animal Fries(隱藏版菜單), total是USD$5.46, 因為都是現做的, 所以要稍微等一下, 等叫號唷!!

~ No. 27, 我的做好囉!! ~ 左邊的就是Animal Fries, 右邊的是Cheeseburger!!

~Cheeseburger~ 咬了一口, 真的好好吃唷! 很多汁, 不會像麥當當一樣乾乾的, 蔬菜、洋蔥和番茄都好新鮮, 撘上cheese和牛肉, 味道超棒!

~再來就是隱藏版菜單的Animal Fries~ 薯條加上cheese、千島醬、黃芥茉醬...等, 一起烘烤, 很像焗烤的感覺, 也是好好吃!!

吃完了這一頓, 真的好滿足, 晚餐我也沒吃了, 只簡單喝個湯、吃水果, 我ㄤ下週來美國, 我應該會再帶他去吃ㄧ次, 呵~ 大家有機會來美國, 也要試試看唷! 真的很棒的!!  

~IN-N-OUT 的〝隱藏版菜單〞給大家參考看看囉!! ~

"Animal Style" - bun is grilled with mustard, sauteed onions instead of raw, pickles, extra "special sauce" - [this can also be applied to fries

"Wish Burger" - no meat, i.e. veggie burger

"Protein Style" - lettuce wrapped around the burger instead of a bun for all of you who are in "The Zone"

"Flying Dutchman" - two meat patties with two slices of cheese. that's it.

"Double Meat" - Double Double without cheese

"4x4" - 4 meat patties with 4 slices of cheese.

"2x4" - 2 meat patties with 4 slices of cheese for the fromage afficionado

"Grilled Cheese" - cheeseburger, sans meat

"Fries - well done" - get your fries extra crispy and brown the way you like them!

"Choco-Vanilla Swirl Shake" - just what it sounds like Note: this is not an official secrent menu item, but at most In-n-Out Burgers they will make it if asked for... 12/23/2003

"Neopolitan Shake" - a blend of chocolate, vanilla and strawberry shakes.


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